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Project 2025 - Section 4: Trade

Authored by Kent Lassman, this section of "Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise" evaluates the U.S. trade policies, examining their history, impact, and proposing substantial reforms to enhance economic growth and international competitiveness.

Key Points & Topics Discussed:

Mission Statement: The U.S. aims to bolster economic growth and global competitiveness by advocating for free trade policies, reducing tariffs, and fostering international cooperation.

Overview: Over the centuries, U.S. trade policies have evolved from high tariffs in the 19th century to a more liberalized approach post-World War II. The shift towards a free trade system has driven economic growth, increased specialization, and expanded international markets.

Historical Context and Economic Growth:

Creation and Evolution:

  • 19th Century Tariffs: U.S. international tariffs reached their highest levels, peaking at 62% on dutiable goods by 1830, beginning with the 1828 Tariff of Abominations.

  • Economic Expansion: Despite high tariffs, Western expansion, population growth, and a large internal market spurred economic growth.

  • Post-WWII: Reduced tariffs and a U.S.-led international trading system further enhanced economic prosperity and specialization.

Impact on Employment and Economy:

  • Service Sector Growth: The transition from agriculture to manufacturing, and later to services, did not decrease overall employment. The service sector surpassed manufacturing employment around 1890.

  • Economic Resilience: Contrary to pessimistic views, the U.S. economy has shown sustained growth, with low unemployment and high per capita GDP.

Implementing Conservative Trade Policies:

  1. Tariff Relief:

  • Reduce Tariffs: Lower tariffs to decrease consumer prices, strengthen supply chains, and boost manufacturing. End Section 232, 201, and 301 tariffs to prevent future misuse.

  • Conservative Implication: Promotes free market principles, reduces government interference, and encourages economic efficiency.

  1. Trade Adjustment Assistance:

  • Equal Treatment: Oppose expanded trade adjustment assistance. Displaced workers should receive equal benefits regardless of the cause.

  • Conservative Implication: Ensures fairness, reduces dependency on government aid, and fosters personal responsibility.

  1. Supply Chain Restrictions:

  • Eliminate Restrictions: Remove unnecessary restrictions that limit consumer choices, exemplified by the baby formula shortage.

  • Conservative Implication: Enhances market flexibility, reduces regulatory burdens, and promotes economic resilience.

  1. Mutual Recognition Policies:

  • Regulatory Harmonization: Implement mutual recognition with allies to reduce regulatory costs and open new markets.

  • Conservative Implication: Facilitates international trade, reduces government-imposed barriers, and supports global economic cooperation.

  1. Export-Import Bank:

  • Close the Bank: Shut down the Export-Import Bank, which mainly benefits a few large manufacturers.

  • Conservative Implication: Eliminates crony capitalism, reduces government subsidies, and promotes a level playing field.

  1. Jones Act:

  • Repeal the Act: Eliminate the century-old maritime law to rejuvenate the U.S. shipbuilding industry.

  • Conservative Implication: Promotes free market competition, reduces costs, and enhances economic efficiency.

  1. Trade Promotion Authority:

  • Renew Authority: Restore the President’s authority to expedite trade negotiations with key allies and focus on trade issues.

  • Conservative Implication: Streamlines trade negotiations, enhances executive efficiency, and promotes free trade agreements.

  1. World Trade Organization:

  • Reform or Replace: Restore or replace the WTO’s dispute resolution process with a new organization of liberal democracies.

  • Conservative Implication: Ensures fair trade practices, strengthens international alliances, and promotes rule-based trade systems.

  1. China Strategy:

  • Comprehensive Policy: Develop a multi-faceted strategy to address China's trade and human rights policies.

  • Conservative Implication: Protects national interests, promotes fair competition, and counters authoritarian economic practices.


Enhanced Growth

Focused Support:

  • Streamlined trade policies can drive economic growth and resilience.

  • Potential issues include navigating complex international trade agreements and ensuring all sectors benefit equally from the reforms.

Reduced Fraud and Waste:

  • Improved management practices will minimize mismanagement and safeguard taxpayer dollars.

  • Potential issues involve the challenge of implementing robust oversight mechanisms to detect and prevent fraud.

Operational Efficiency

Modernized Trade Policies:

  • Utilizing current technology and platforms will enhance the U.S.’s ability to compete globally.

  • Potential issues include the initial cost and logistical challenges of integrating new technologies into existing trade systems.

Inclusive Support:

  • Ensuring fair access to trade opportunities will promote competitiveness.

  • Potential issues involve balancing the needs of different industries and regions to ensure equitable access to trade benefits.

Political and Administrative Considerations

Stronger Advocacy:

  • Empowered leadership can more effectively advocate for free trade policies and influence global trade agreements.

  • Potential issues include managing diplomatic relations and potential pushback from domestic interest groups opposed to free trade.

Regulatory Check:

  • A robust trade policy framework can act as a counterbalance to protectionist tendencies, supporting economic freedom.

  • Potential issues include ensuring that the regulatory framework is flexible enough to adapt to changing global trade dynamics without compromising core principles.


Reforming U.S. trade policies to focus on core functions, improve accountability, and modernize operations will better support economic growth, enhance international competitiveness, and foster a more resilient and dynamic economy. These reforms align with conservative principles of free markets, reduced government intervention, and personal responsibility, ensuring that America's trade policies continue to promote prosperity and freedom.

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